Category Archives: Website Design

Bad Marketing Stress

Why Is Marketing Without a Website a Bad Idea?

Today, many business owners assume that they can advertise their products or services without a website. This assumption could be because they feel their business is too small or too new to have a website. Or perhaps they think a website could be replaced with social media. However, this is a bad idea that could hamper every action they are taking to improve their businesses.

So, if you are thinking you don’t need a website for marketing your business, here are some reasons that will let you know that it is a bad idea:

  • Inability to reach wider audiences

Without mincing words, your website provides you with the biggest and best opportunity to reach wider audiences. It allows you to educate the visitors about the services or products you are capable of offering. So, when you don’t have a website, you are already missing out on the opportunity to reach a good portion of your audience.

  • Social media platforms are not your friends

Although every business must take advantage of the power of social media marketing, social media platforms are not particularly your friends. These platforms are only concerned about how they can draw more audiences and get more money. Hence, they can change their rules anytime to favor them, even if such rules disrupt your business. In the past, we have witnessed how Facebook, Instagram, etc. altered their rules without considering their effects on businesses. Sometimes, they may even ban certain business profiles temporarily or permanently.

So, if you are only relying on social media without having a website, you are doing yourself lots of disservices.

  • Social media platforms can have issues

This is another important point for those depending on social media platforms to market their businesses. Some years ago, if people were told that Vine or MySpace would disappear, they would probably disagree. But these social media channels disappeared some years ago. So, businesses that relied on Vine or MySpace for their marketing would probably need to lose some audiences after the unfortunate event happened.

Even Instagram, Facebook, and other topmost social media platforms have experienced glitches in the past. Unluckily, no one could do anything throughout the blackouts of these social media channels. But if you own a website, you can continue promoting your business regardless of what happens to any social media platform.

  • Poor customer relationships

With the aid of your website, you can create a solid and reliable relationship with your customers. Whether you want to get their email addresses for more communications or just give them updates about your company, your website enables you to relate with your customers effectively.

However, if you don’t have a website, you will have to rely on third parties for communicating with your audience. This can lead to poor customer relationships as the communication is not fully under your control.

  • Your data is in the hand of another party

When you are using social media platforms and other channels for interacting with your audiences, you don’t own the data of your consumers. Due to security and privacy settings, you may not have access to the locations, email addresses, and other data of your audiences. Nonetheless, if you own a website, Google Analytics and other related tools can be utilized to get important information about the audience.

Considering the issues associated with not owning a website, you will agree that every business needs to get a website for promoting its services and products.