Monthly Archives: June 2020

Crucial Tips for Cannabis Networking / Trade Show Events 1

Crucial Tips for Cannabis Networking / Trade Show Events

How to Prepare for Your First Cannabis Trade Show.

The global pandemic has put a halt to in-person trade-shows, we figured it was the perfect time to spend the time planning & preparing for when we’re all able to meet again!  Cannabis trade shows and conferences are the perfect avenues for cannabis entrepreneurs to learn about the trajectory of the industry. Apart from that, you meet your peers and establish networking and interaction with other business professionals from all walks of life.

When it comes to attending your first trade show where you meet hundreds of exhibitors and thousands of attendees, you shouldn’t participate in such events unprepared. A game plan should be an essential tool in your toolkit.

No matter the level of your cannabis business in terms of growth trajectory, taking your time to craft and execute a solid game plan is crucial. This is because it’s the only thing that will make you leave such business conferences with new leads, new ideas, and promising business partner potentials. And of course, you’ll stand a chance of getting a better sense of the entire cannabis / CBD industry ecosystem.

So, we’ll be revealing a few tips to help you prepare for your first cannabis trade show or conference. Let’s get started:

Ask Yourself: Is the Trade Show / Networking Event Worth your Time and Investment?

Nowadays, there are lots of cannabis trade shows, exhibitions, and conferences. And of course, they are popping up like well. However, you need to know that there isn’t any form of equality in all trade shows. Some conferences will provide you with the appropriate planning and resources to ensure a worthwhile event while others lack the proper plans and resources. Ensure that you are investing your time, money, and resources on a trade show that aligns with your company’s mission, vision, and goals perfectly.

Beyond the full range of audiences, you should seek to attend trade shows that specifically address your area of interest in the industry. If you run an edible-based company, you should attend trade shows that speak values to your segment, etc.

Be a Thought Leader

Once you have successfully concluded on the specific trade show you’ll like to invest your money, time, and resources into, the next step is to put adequate measures in place to ensure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Most of the big conferences do not only have an expo floor, but they also feature educational tracks. If you are an expert in your field, you should be a thought leader in speaking sessions. Speaking sessions are great opportunities to shine and share your knowledge with other professionals in the industry.

Speaking at conferences doesn’t come easy. You’ll have to plan ahead as most of the conferences open request for abstracts from interested speakers at least six months before the event. Once you have been selected as one of the speakers, you shouldn’t forget that your primary purpose is to dish out knowledge-not to sell. Do not be extremely promotional or commercial in your presentation. Provide real value. This will make people want to seek you and learn more from you. Get a good night’s sleep, and do not party excessively a night before the scheduled event.

There you have it! We know that’s only two tips, but perhaps the two most important tips to prepare for your first marijuana trade show. Other exciting tips include creating branded marketing collateral, share your business cards with website, staple received business cards to a notebook page and make a note about the interaction, and many more. With the right strategy, you’ll never be anxious about trade shows anymore. You’ll easily justify your ROI whenever you attend.