Category Archives: United States

LGBTQ+ History with Cannabis 1

LGBTQ+ History with Cannabis

Cannabis is something that is now taken by everyone, irrespective of gender, race, sexuality among many other things. However, it is usually surprising that many people are not aware of the fact that cannabis had a very strong connection, particularly to the LGBTQ community. If not because of certain LGBTQ personalities, the legalization of marijuana might have been a lot harder and longer to achieve.

What is the relationship between LGBTQ and cannabis?

Of course, this brings us to the very popular Dennis Peron who played a pivotal role in the movement towards the legalization of cannabis. Dennis Peron, an openly gay man, was at the forefront of these movements. It is safe to say we are where we are today as regards marijuana because if him. He’s a Vietnam war veteran who came back to the United States with two pounds of marijuana. After his arrival, he started selling the two pounds of marijuana in San Francisco but this wasn’t without frequent friction with the police. Despite the challenges he faced especially from the police, Peron never gave up but he kept going. Shortly after, his activism started to center around his fellow sexual minorities when the AIDS crisis shook the US during the 90s.

It was during this crisis that Peron discovered the benefits that marijuana could offer in relieving the treatment symptoms of the very serious diseases that a lot of his peers kept dying from. This was what eventually led him into co-writing both Proposition P and Proposition 215 that legalized medical cannabis for the first time in California. Another important figure that contributed to the movement towards the legalization of marijuana was Brownie Mary. Just like Peron, she’s also a member of the LGBTQ community.

The continued relationship between cannabis and the LGBTQ community

The connection between cannabis and the LGBTQ community is one that has lasted until this very moment and will probably continue to be so. The two have a lot in common as can be seen in the fact that more than 30% of LGBTQ adults reported taking cannabis in 2015. This is in huge contrast with that of heterosexual adults in the same year which was just 12%. Indeed, since mental health issues like PSTD as well as depression are more prevalent among LGBTQ people, cannabis has been a source of help to them as a form of medication.

Some notable contributions to LGBTQ’s relationship with cannabis

Certain major cannabis brands today have taken cognizance of the many issues the community is facing today and have taken a positive stand. For instance, PAX labs donated the sum of $50,000 to the History Society of LGBTQ in 2019. The money would help to build the first LGBTQ museum in the US which will feature Dennis Peron.

Besides, FRUIT SLAB also has a pride flavor that celebrates the LGBTQ society throughout the year which means is a collaboration with Laganja Estranja, a popular cannabis drag queen. These and many are some of the commendable efforts by various players in the cannabis industry further solidifying the connection between cannabis and the queer community.

US Presidential Candidates stance on Cannabis 2

US Presidential Candidates stance on Cannabis

Over the years, the use of cannabis in the United States has increased acceptability. To ensure more liberal approach towards cannabis and its industry, it is imperative to look into the positions and attitudes of the different US presidential candidates in the coming elections towards this powerful plant.

Senator Bernie Sanders

Senator Bernie Sanders has stated clearly that the legalization of cannabis is one of his major objectives. He plans to effect this within his first 100 days in office with executive action. He also intends to expunge and vacate all previous convictions related to marijuana. Also, he intends to keep Big Tobacco off the cannabis market and has mapped out a plan to make sure that tax revenue gathered from marijuana goes to the people and communities plagued the most by the War on Drugs.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump is not just a presidential candidate in the United States; he is the current president. He has stated to be “100%” in support of the idea of legalization of medical cannabis during his campaign sessions prior to his 2016 election. However, he has generally been silent on the issue since he was elected. One thing is suggestive of his genuine stance and that is his appointment of now-former Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Notably, Sessions was probably the fiercest opponent of the marijuana legalization movement in Capitol Hill. Nevertheless, nothing is still fully established about Donald Trump’s stance.

Senator Elizabeth Warren

Senator Elizabeth Warren has a similar attitude as Sanders toward Cannabis. She has also claimed that, if elected as the president of the United States, she would leverage on executive action to strike marijuana off the list of controlled substances. However, this comes as no surprise, because she has co-sponsored a decent amount of cannabis reform bills such as the STATES Act and CARERS Act.

Joe Biden

A lot of people who know the former Vice President well enough will understand the fact that his position on Cannabis has become significantly liberal over the years. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, he used to be one of the strongholds behind the War on Drugs.  Nevertheless, even though his campaign spokesperson told CNN in 2019 that he is in support of the idea of letting states make their own decisions, he has never said anything about changing federal policy.

Michael Bloomberg

The former New York City Mayor used to crack down on violations against cannabis. Between 2002 and year 2013 that he was in office, there was a huge rise in the arrests for cannabis-related activities but he was always voting proposals that canvassed for fines and court summonses instead of arrests for possession of Cannabis in small amounts.

Pete Buttigieg

Buttigieg who used to be a Mayor of South Bend, Indiana, also claims to work with and support lawmakers in Congress for the legalization of Cannabis at the federal level. Just like Bernie Sanders, Buttigieg has talked about the social injustice occasioned by the War on Drugs and he intends to tackle those problems head-on if elected into office.