Monthly Archives: August 2020

Obstacles Advertising Cannabis 1

Obstacles Advertising Cannabis

All industries have their lists of challenges and they can come in various ways. However, as far as the cannabis industry is concerned, its challenges can sometimes be a little too much. These challenges tend to come in areas related to advertising, especially raising awareness and we will be considering them in detail under this post. The discussion will try to cover all the manners that these advertising challenges tend to appear.

A highly regulated industry

To start with, the cannabis industry is a highly regulated one. That means to successfully establish a brand under the industry, a proper understanding of local and state laws is needed to stay out of trouble. The problem here is not these many local and state laws but something disadvantages that happens as a consequence of it. After all, the marijuana industry is not the only highly regulated industry around. The pharmaceutical, finance, insurance, gambling, and many more industries suffer the same fate.

The only major issue here is that the cannabis industry is still different from the ones above as it’s still illegal at the federal level. As such, the industry has to constantly battle marketing problems from the black market.

Advertising platforms have a culture of rejecting cannabis ads

For those actively immersed in the industry, this probably wouldn’t come as a shock. For those who are not aware, then note now that most of the big advertising platforms hardly accept marijuana ads. As much as counterintuitive this might be to the usual multi-channel approach of marketing it’s just the bitter reality.

While in the United States, some states such as California, Arizona, Washington among more have legalized marijuana in some form, this unfriendly attitude by the big advertising platforms is a huge challenge to the proper marketing of cannabis. As a matter of fact, with the changing political realities, Google, Facebook, Instagram and others have all resolved not to let cannabis brands run paid ads on their respective platforms for the time being.

Instagram and Facebook are shutting down cannabis accounts

The difficulty would have even a lot more bearable if it was just limited to banning paid ads. Sadly, it gets even uglier with Facebook and Instagram. These big tech giants of our time have a bad reputation of taking down accounts related to cannabis. This inability for cannabis brands to have an unchallenged presence in the platforms of these big tech giants is a big marketing challenge for the marijuana industry.

Black market peculiarities

As we have stated earlier, legit cannabis brands are forced to compete against black-market sellers. While the law-abiding brands tend to follow the rules related to marketing that seriously hinder their ability to promote their products and services the way they want, black-market competitors don’t follow these rules, putting the legit brands at a disadvantage.

In conclusion, these challenges are not insurmountable as there are strategies around to overcome them. Here at 420 Web Pros we are particularly dedicated towards this mission and are dedicated to being reliable and efficient when it comes to working around the various challenges that plague the marketing of cannabis.

LGBTQ+ History with Cannabis 2

LGBTQ+ History with Cannabis

Cannabis is something that is now taken by everyone, irrespective of gender, race, sexuality among many other things. However, it is usually surprising that many people are not aware of the fact that cannabis had a very strong connection, particularly to the LGBTQ community. If not because of certain LGBTQ personalities, the legalization of marijuana might have been a lot harder and longer to achieve.

What is the relationship between LGBTQ and cannabis?

Of course, this brings us to the very popular Dennis Peron who played a pivotal role in the movement towards the legalization of cannabis. Dennis Peron, an openly gay man, was at the forefront of these movements. It is safe to say we are where we are today as regards marijuana because if him. He’s a Vietnam war veteran who came back to the United States with two pounds of marijuana. After his arrival, he started selling the two pounds of marijuana in San Francisco but this wasn’t without frequent friction with the police. Despite the challenges he faced especially from the police, Peron never gave up but he kept going. Shortly after, his activism started to center around his fellow sexual minorities when the AIDS crisis shook the US during the 90s.

It was during this crisis that Peron discovered the benefits that marijuana could offer in relieving the treatment symptoms of the very serious diseases that a lot of his peers kept dying from. This was what eventually led him into co-writing both Proposition P and Proposition 215 that legalized medical cannabis for the first time in California. Another important figure that contributed to the movement towards the legalization of marijuana was Brownie Mary. Just like Peron, she’s also a member of the LGBTQ community.

The continued relationship between cannabis and the LGBTQ community

The connection between cannabis and the LGBTQ community is one that has lasted until this very moment and will probably continue to be so. The two have a lot in common as can be seen in the fact that more than 30% of LGBTQ adults reported taking cannabis in 2015. This is in huge contrast with that of heterosexual adults in the same year which was just 12%. Indeed, since mental health issues like PSTD as well as depression are more prevalent among LGBTQ people, cannabis has been a source of help to them as a form of medication.

Some notable contributions to LGBTQ’s relationship with cannabis

Certain major cannabis brands today have taken cognizance of the many issues the community is facing today and have taken a positive stand. For instance, PAX labs donated the sum of $50,000 to the History Society of LGBTQ in 2019. The money would help to build the first LGBTQ museum in the US which will feature Dennis Peron.

Besides, FRUIT SLAB also has a pride flavor that celebrates the LGBTQ society throughout the year which means is a collaboration with Laganja Estranja, a popular cannabis drag queen. These and many are some of the commendable efforts by various players in the cannabis industry further solidifying the connection between cannabis and the queer community.